Monday, July 9, 2007

so true

The father of three children comes back home and sees his children sitting in front of the house, still in their pyjamas, playing in the mud, surrounded by the empty boxes after Chinese food. The door to his wife’s car were open, as well as the door to their house. There was no sign of their dog. He entered the house and saw that there was even bigger mess than in their front yard. The lamp was lying on the floor, the carpet was rolled under the wall, the TV was on, the dinning room floor was covered by toys and pieces of clothes. The kitchen did not look any better: there was pile of dirty dishes in the sink, remnants of the breakfast were spread all over the kitchen table, a fridge was wide open, dog's food was all over the floor, a broken glass was lying under the table, and next to the back door there was a sand castle…
He run up the stairs, on his way stepping on more toys and children clothes, but he was not paying any attention to that. He was just looking for his wife, worried that maybe she is ill, or that something bad has happened to her. Then he saw that from under the bathroom door the water is leaking to the rest of the house. He opened the door and saw wet towels lying everywhere, lots of foam, more toys left in mess and kilometers of toilet paper that was surrounding everything. Moreover, a mirror and walls were painted with the toothpaste…
He speeded up and entered the bedroom, where he found his wife, lying in the bed, in her pyjamas, reading a book. She looked at him, smiled and asked:
- How was your day, honey?
He looked at her in disbelief and asked:
- What has happened here today?
She smiled again and answered:
- Do you remember, darling, what you ask me every day when you come back home after work? You ask me what the fuck I was doing whole day long.
- Yes – he replied uneasily.
- So today, I was not doing any of the things that I usually do.

Ojciec wraca z pracy i widzi, jak trojka jego dzieci siedzi przed domem, ciagle ubrana w pizamy i bawi sie w blocie wsrod pustych pudelek po chinszczyznie, porozrzucanych po calym ogrodku. Drzwi do auta zony byly otwarte, podobnie jak drzwi wejsciowe do domu i nie bylo najmniejszego sladu po psie. Mezczyzna wszedl do domu i zobaczyl jeszcze wiekszy balagan. Lampa lezala przewrocona, a chodnik zawiniety pod sama sciane. Na srodku pokoju glosno gral telewizor na kanale z kreskowkami, a jadalnia byla zarzucona zabawkami i roznymi czesciami garderoby.
W kuchni nie bylo lepiej: w zlewie stala gora naczyn, resztki sniadania byly porozrzucane po stole, lodowka stala szeroko otwarta, psie jedzenie bylo wyrzucone na podloge, st_uczona szklanka lezala pod stolem, a przy tylnych drzwiach byla usypana kupka z piasku. Mezczyzna szybko wbiegl na schody, depczac przy okazji kolejne zabawki i kolejne ciuchy, ale nie zwazal na to, tylko szukal swojej zony. Zaniepokoil sie, ze moze jest chora, albo ze stalo sie cos powaznego. Zobaczyl, ze spod drzwi do lazienki wyplywa woda. Zajrzal do srodka i zobaczyl mokre reczniki na podlodze, rozlane mydlo i kolejne porozrzucane zabawki. Kilometry papieru toaletowego lezaly porozwijane miedzy tym wszystkim, a lustro i sciany byly wymalowane pasta do zebow.
Przyspieszyl kroku i wszedl do sypialni, gdzie znalazl swoja zone, lezaca na lozku w pizamie i czytajaca ksiazke. Spojrzala na niego, usmiechnela sie i zapytala jak mu minal dzien. Popatrzyl na nia z niedowierzaniem i zapytal:
- Co tu sie dzisiaj dzialo?
Usmiechnela sie ponownie i odpowiedziala:
- Pamietasz, kochanie, ze codziennie jak wracasz z pracy do domu, to pytasz mnie, co ja do cholery dzis robilam?
- Tak - odpowiedzial z niechecia.
- Wiec dzis tego nie zrobilam.