Sunday, December 2, 2007

Dana and Brian

While in Dresden I stayed with Elena and I even had a chance to babysit Dana (now 5) and Brian (now 3) when she went for her piano lesson. It was so nice to see that some people never change! And that they can still make as amazing tiramisu as you remember ;-)

Here, courtesy to Photo Booth, Dana, Elena and I:

Dana and Brian can already play by themselves without much supervision from anybody else. Here they are in their room:

Here Brian and Dana keep themselves busy trying to play the piano:

Brian is actually pretty good at it. When I see him play I start to believe in reincarnation.

Dana also has an artistic soul, but her talent is painting. Here she demonstrates to me her recent drawings:

I took photos of some of them, because I thought that they were amazingly good as for 4 year old: