If my life were better structured, I would manage to accomplish more and I would use my time more efficiently. That's why my major goal for 2009 is to have my life better organized. I plan to achieve that goal by following the "regime" below:
1. I will stand up by 9am at the latest every day except for Sunday.
2. I will try to have more fixed working hours. I will try to get to work before 10am and leave by 10pm (that possibly including 1.5h of sports at the gym on some of the days).
3. I will exercise every morning for 30 minutes (minimum program: 10 push ups, 50 sit ups, 100 squats, 2x25 lunges, 2x50 kicks, 20 triceps extensions, 30 front presses, 30 butterflies, 3x3x7 biceps curls, 20 leg pull crunches, 20 leg raises). I might skip this program on days on which I go to body pump class.
4. I will go for a long bike ride at least once a month.
5. Every two months I will take a 3-4 day break to travel (e.g. to visit my friends who live outside SF, to go hiking in the mountains or to visit a new city)
6. I will cook more often. I will cook for myself 2-3 times a week.
7. I will cook a new dish at least once a month.
8. I will learn to cook Thai food.
9. I will invite friends for a lavish dinner at least once a month.
10. I will eat breakfast every day.
11. I will not eat sweets at work.
12. I will count calories and try not to exceed 2000 kcal per day.
13. Unless I am eating out with friends, I will not eat after 9pm.
14. I will learn something new. I have not decided yet what that will be. Maybe it will be programming in Python as Tadhg suggests or maybe it will be something as frivolous as flamenco.