Saturday, February 9, 2008

Lev's Leaving Party

At the end of January Lev officially stopped working at UCSF and moved on to the new job in scientific publishing business. Traditionally, the lab organizes a party for all leaving people, so we also had one for him. It was taking place at my house and almost everybody from my lab showed up there.

Here is Lev himself. Obviously sad about leaving the lab:

Luckily, I am his sunshine, and can make him smile even in such sad situation:

Here are aways happy Mark and Liz:

The crowd:

Molly and Liz:

Me and Della:

This is front of the T-shirt that we made for Lev to help him remember us in the future:

And this is back of the T-shirt:

Here I am explaining to Lev the meaning behind the pictures on the front side of the T-shirt. As you can see it shows him taking a "power" nap in the lab and dreaming about wine, girls, food, Swedish Love Machine, surfing, his Tarantula and many other things...

And here I am explaining the meaning behind the back of the T-shirt. It refers to one of Lev's favorite games "Devil Bunny Needs Ham" that we modified into "Lev Bunny Needs Cheese" game:

Everybody seems to like the T-shirt:

Here Lev gets a gift (set of books on how to become a millionaire) from Cynthia, our boss:

And here I am getting a gift from Lev (a bottle of wine of course):

Here is Lev's gift for the lab (set of plates to be used in the lab kitchen, how thoughtful!):

And here is Lev's gift for Cynthia - a unicorn:

Second part of Lev's gift for Cynthia is a tool ("What would a unicorn do?") that should help her make correct choices when she is not sure in which direction the lab should go:

She also gets a bottle of wine, of course!

Kristina is undoing my braids:

I look stylish in Lev's hat:

Afterparty. Mike, Gaius, Kristina and me:

Girls love beavers:

Who has the biggest teeth? Mike, the beaver or the ground squirrel?

Dramatic reading of German board games: