Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"Are we all in the end having sex with each other?"

The sentence that makes the title of my post I saw today written on the door of the girls' restroom in Casanova bar and I am just amazed how well it fits with the theme of my post.
I escaped early from the meeting with my friends to work on my lab presentation for tomorrow (or should I say today?), but of course I made the same mistake as yesterday - I checked the news on onet. And what did my beautiful eyes see? Well, this highly interesting article on the sexual life of Polish people. Unfortunately, the article is only in Polish, but I pulled out of it the key facts for your entertainment:

90% Catholics
60% uses condoms
3% "natural methods"
25% of people in the relationships cheat on their partners
4% of people in the relationships think that their partners cheat on them
10% of kids have different father than the one that they think is theirs
80% of Polish people are satisfied with their sexual life
49% practices oral sex
19% practices anal sex
1.2 million people met somebody via the internet and 320'000 of these people had sex with each other (wow! that's 25%!!!)

And now the highlight:
17 min 48 sec is an average length of the sexual intercourse (without the foreplay) in Lubuskie district, but only 11,5 min in Swietokrzyskie district

I would like to know how on earth did they measure that? Did they give timers to all tested couples? And if so, how come 80% of these people are still satisfied with their sexual lives?

test sample: 3'200 people from the age group 15-49