Capitol Reef NP might appeal more to geologists as it is comprised of The Waterpocket Fold, which is a nearly 100-mile long warp in the Earth's crust. However, non-geologists probably won't be able to appreciate it.
In the park, Agnieszka and I went for two short (2-3h long) hikes and in the evening we went to one of the orchards to pick apples. Visitors to Capitol Reef are welcome to stroll in any orchard and pick and consume as much ripe fruit as they want. The orchards hold approximately several thousand trees and are composed of cherry, apricot, peach, pear, apple and plum tress. When we were there only apples were in season. They were rather small, but still very tasty. Moreover, we had a lot of fun picking them as we were accompanied by a big group of Mule Deers that were probably hoping that we would share with them our crop.
Historic Fruita School:
On Capitol Gorge Trail:
On Grand Wash Trail:
Agnieszka picking apples:
Mule Deers waiting for us to share apples with them: